Care recipient (cr) is afraid to take a bath or shower

Try: Follow the same routine that the cr has used in the past this may ease some of the cr cr’s anxiety try to determine what cr’s lifelong bathing habits are and use them for example taking the bath or shower at the same time every day in the morning before going to bed and so on listening to soft music bubble baths singing in the shower

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Personal, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: Check local phone book or contact the meals on wheels organization at 703-548-5558 www mowaa org

References: Adapted from the national institute on aging internet website www nia nih gov caring for a person with alzheimer’s disease your easy-to-use guide 2011

Keywords: Difficult behavior challenging behavior bathing bath shower showering personal care routine afraid paranoid

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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