Try: Observe assess and log the cr’s behavior such as when the accidents happen how often and if the cr is urinating in improper places such as flower pots closets the sink or on the way to the bathroom the sensation to drink fluids may be diminished in crs with dementia therefore you need to ensure that the cr has adequate fluid intake set up a regular schedule with specific times for the cr to drink and eat determine toileting behavior then set up a schedule to accommodate the cr before he she needs to urinate toilet before and after meals and immediately before going to bed make sure the cr actually urinates before getting off the toilet use appropriate communication skills with the cr do one step at a time to communicate the instructions of how to toilet watch for nonverbal cues from the cr such as reaching for a belt tugging at zipper or taking pants down don’t forget to praise the cr for success in getting to the toilet on time and avoid reprimanding when there is an accident simplify clothing by using an elastic waistband velcro instead of zippers or buttons also select clothing that is washable and does not need ironing wearing underwear or adult disposable underwear will help remind the cr to stay dry and to use the toilet when wet change clothing when wet keeping the cr’s skin clean after an accident to avoid rashes and sores put a sign on the bathroom door using a familiar word such as ‘bathroom’ or a picture of a toilet large enough for the cr to see
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical, Personal, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from understanding difficult behaviors robinson a spencer b & white l 1992
Keywords: Incontinence going to the bathroom
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed