Try: Make sure the cr is properly belted and secured in the car if the cr cr’s agitation leads to behavior that places you or the cr at risk in the car bring another person with you when you transport the cr this person should be able to support you in promoting the safety of the cr so depending on your abilities and the cr cr’s needs look for a helper who can provide a soothing presence lend a strong hand assist with a major lift or drive play soft music or children’s songs when transporting the cr to doctor’s appointments and other locations take on the role of tour director and keep up a running conversation point out scenery and interesting landmarks involve the cr by asking if he or she has any special memories of the places you are passing
Materials: Additional passenger for support recordings of soft music or childern childern’s songs
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed