Care recipient (cr) disrobes at inappropriate times and is very uninhibited

Try: Look for patterns what what’s happening right before or after these episodes does it happen after eating maybe cr has to use the bathroom and wants to be ready so he she unzips his her pants are you noticing other signs of forgetfulness this can help you figure out the cause ignore the behavior to the best of your ability although disrobing isn’t usually done to get your goat your raging disapproval may only egg cr on try distraction move to another room or activity while casually covering cr up without comment

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Sexuality Intimacy, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Unaware

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from www caring com how to handle difficult behaviors by f paula spencer scott no date

Keywords: Disrobes undresses uninhibited uninhibited nude naked challenging behavior inappropriate embarrassing embarrasses grandiosity grandiose

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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