Try: Use the cr’ detailed history to develop a care plan identify and eliminate what triggers the aggressive behaviors use the cd and dvd players to provide calming music therapy eliminate a loud and over stimulating environment simultaneous visitors television large crowds and so on approach the cr from the front smile tell the cr who you are and what you and the cr plan to do be calm reassuring kind and respectful assess the cr for comfort pain illness medication reactions and side effects use distractions before the cr gets agitated don’t’ argue corner force demand tease hurry laugh at or confront the cr establish a consistent daily schedule for rising resting bedtime meals activities and personal care offer toileting rest fluids and activity every two to three hours allow the cr choices regarding clothes food what to watch on television bathing or showering sitting or walking being inside or outside and so on don’t argue corner force demand tease hurry or confront the cr encourage and praise the cr for his or her attempts are personal care activities and so on
Materials: Post emergency phone numbers including near-by caregivers for backup 24 hours a day and seven days a week cell phone with the emergency numbers programmed in detailed history of the cr’s past family work likes dislikes activities controlling demanding behaviors and what provoked relaxed the cr cd player cds with calming instrumental music television and dvd player dvds with relaxing music and calming images such as scenery cascading waters nature beaches or aquariums
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Agitated upset acting out
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed