Care recipient (cr) gets agitated when daily personal care tasks need to be performed

Try: Make a list on the poster board of the daily personal tasks that need to be performed and the times they are done for example the poster board could say 7 00am dress for the day and have a sticker of clothes attached after all of the daily personal tasks are listed on the poster board tape it up in a designated area where it can be easily seen take the cr to the poster board before each daily personal task and point out what task needs to be performed this will help the cr anticipate the task and not feel surprised and defensive when the time comes for it to be completed

Materials: Poster board marker tape stickers that correspond to the daily personal tasks for example for tooth brushing – sticker of a toothbrush for eating – sticker with food

Categories: Bathing Grooming, Dressing Clothing, Emotional Psychological

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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