Many care recipients cr prefer to stay at home as they age and need additional care the goal of home care is to help the…

Try: Many care recipients cr prefer to stay at home as they age and need additional care the goal of home care is to help the cr remain at home as long as possible it may be right for the cr if she only needs minor assistance with the daily activities and enjoys a close network of nearby family and friends in many areas the cr has a range of options to help staying in home everyone’s situation is different and several factors will weigh in on the best choice for you here are some of the issues in evaluating your options location and accessibility the location of the cr’s home will be a major factor in determining if in home care is appropriate if the cr lives near potential caregivers and other resources in home care may be more appropriate home accessibility and maintenance a smaller and more manageable home is better for in home care for example if the cr has a small yard it will be easier to manage support available many crs prefer to rely on family to provide help but as needs increase they might not be able to fill in all of the gaps it’s important to consider proximity to community services and activities as well be sure to see if the cr has family and friends nearby medical conditions if the cr has a chronic medical condition that is expected to worsen over time it’s especially important to think about if she be able to handle health and mobility problems if the medical condition is relatively minor home care is probably a good option finances making a budget with anticipated expenses can help the cr determine if in home care is realistic alternate options like assisted living can be expensive but extensive in home help can rapidly become extremely expensive as well information references helpguide org

Materials: n/a

Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Financial, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Home in home care care services

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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