Fs common causes of drooling 1 drooling in a Care recipient (cr) can have many causes drooling is generally caused by problems keeping saliva in…

Try: Fs common causes of drooling 1 drooling in a Care recipient (cr) can have many causes drooling is generally caused by problems keeping saliva in the mouth problems with swallowing too much saliva production additionally some crs with drooling problems are at increased risk of breathing saliva food or fluids into the lungs this may cause harm if there is a problem with the body body’s normal reflexes such as gagging and coughing drooling caused by nervous system problems can often be managed with medications in severe cases crs can reduce drooling by getting x-rays radiation to the glands in the mouth that make saliva salivary glands this is a rare treatment option information references www myoptumhealth com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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References: n/a

Keywords: Drooling salivia

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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