Drowsiness is an issue facing many older care recipients cr the causes of drowsiness will vary depending on the individual the following are possible causes…

Try: Drowsiness is an issue facing many older care recipients cr the causes of drowsiness will vary depending on the individual the following are possible causes of drowsiness in the cr drowsiness may be caused by sleep disorders including insomnia narcolepsy sleep disorder characterized by daytime sleep attacks sleep apnea disorder characterized by the interruption of breathing while asleep drowsiness can also be caused by different types of medications including anticonvulsants used to treat epilepsy and seizures antidepressants antiemetics used to treat nausea antihistamines or other allergy medications sedatives or tranquilizers information references www localhealth com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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Keywords: Sleep drowsiness rest

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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