Consider Care recipient (cr) characteristics what is the cr cr’s weight and height what is their condition — things that might relate to lifting them…

Try: Consider Care recipient (cr) characteristics what is the cr cr’s weight and height what is their condition — things that might relate to lifting them do they need head support do they need access to a commode do they have sensitive skin any restrictions to bending will cr ever need tobe lowered to or lifted from the floor for therapy or after a fall is cr always assisted consider the caregiver’s characteristics how strong are they do we have a 120 pound caregiver caring for a 200 pound patient they will need to become familiar with the operation of the new lift consider the types of lift movements cr needs to be able to do bed to chair or toilet or tub or floor and back chair to bed or toilet or tub or floor and back to from floor for therapy or in case cr has fallen sit to stand repositioning the patient in their chair or bed consider cr’s special needs restrictions applications gait training rolling or otherwise re-positioning cr in bed cr unable to sit want to use to visit family members or travel using hotels information references "patient lift help" 2008 by sherman oaks medical supplies available at www shermanoaksmedical com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Mobility transferring needs help getting up needs help sitting down lift toileting getting in car getting out of car falls fell fall prevention

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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