Back pain is common in some care recipients cr the following are some common treatment options to consider for back pain rest the basic treatment…

Try: Back pain is common in some care recipients cr the following are some common treatment options to consider for back pain rest the basic treatment for relieving acute back pain from strain or minor injury is a limited period of rest for 24 to 72 hours an ice pack and aspirin can be helpful long-term bed rest is not only no longer considered necessary for most cases of back pain it is actually potentially harmful making recovery slower and potentially causing new problems in most cases the cr will be expected to start normal nonstrenuous activity such as walking within 24 to 72 hours after that you should begin controlled exercise or physical therapy medication if back pain keeps the cr from normal daily activities the doctor can help by recommending or prescribing pain medications over-the-counter painkillers such as tylenol aspirin or ibuprofen can be helpful your doctor may prescribe prescription strength anti-inflammatories pain medicines if a primary doctor isn’t able to help you control the pain he may refer the cr to a back specialist or a pain specialist sometimes these doctors will use injections of steroids or anesthetics to help control the pain or for diagnosis tens some physicians advocate using a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator tens electrodes taped to the body carry a mild electric current that helps relieve pain after appropriate training patients can use a tens on their own to help reduce pain while they recover from strained or moderately injured backs surgery in cases of persistent pain from extreme nerve damage rhizotomy – surgically severing a nerve – may be necessary to stop transmission of pain to the brain rhizotomy can correct the symptoms caused by friction between the surfaces in a spinal joint but it doesn’t address other problems such as herniated discs information references webmd com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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Keywords: Back pain treatment low back

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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