Back pain is common in many people including care recipients cr the following are potential causes of back pain compression fractures these are more common…

Try: Back pain is common in many people including care recipients cr the following are potential causes of back pain compression fractures these are more common among post-menopausal women with osteoporosis in a cr with osteoporosis even a small amount of force put on the spine as from a sneeze may cause a compression fracture arthritis that affects the spine bacterial infection bacteria are usually carried to the spine through the bloodstream you may have back pain from an infection in the bone in the spinal discs or in the spinal cord an infection somewhere else in the body surgery or injection treatments an injury spinal tumors which are growths on the bones and ligaments of the spine on the spinal cord or on nerve roots information references webmd com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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Keywords: Back pain injury causes

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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