After a sleep apnea diagnosis the Care recipient (cr) will have several treatment options continuous positive airflow pressure or cpap for short is the most…

Try: After a sleep apnea diagnosis the Care recipient (cr) will have several treatment options continuous positive airflow pressure or cpap for short is the most common treatment for more severe cases of sleep apnea the cpap device is a mask-like machine that provides a constant stream of air which keeps the cr’s breathing passages open during sleep newer cpap devices are lighter quieter and more comfortable which makes the cr’s sleep more comfortable cpap devices can be difficult to operate at first make sure to keep the device clean and make sure it fits the cr correctly also the machine will make noise while in use place a fan or noise machine in the room information references helpguide org

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Sleep problems sleep apnea

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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