The following are the most common causes of insomnia in older care recipients cr poor sleep habits and sleep environment examples of poor sleep habits…

Try: The following are the most common causes of insomnia in older care recipients cr poor sleep habits and sleep environment examples of poor sleep habits are irregular sleep hours consumption of alcohol before bedtime and falling asleep with the tv on pain or medical illness pain can keep the cr from sleeping well in addition many health conditions such as a frequent need to urinate arthritis menopause and alzheimer alzheimer’s can interfere with sleep medications older crs tend to take more medications than younger people combinations of drugs as well as the side-effects of individual drugs can impair sleep or even stimulate wakefulness lack of exercise if the cr is sedentary he may not feel sleepy or feel sleepy all of the time regular aerobic exercise during the day at least 3 hours before bedtime can promote good sleep in a cr who is able to exercise psychological stress or psychological disorders significant life changes like the death of a loved one or moving from a family home can cause stress in a cr sleep disorders restless legs syndrome rls and sleep-disordered breathing such as snoring and sleep apnea occur more frequently in older adults note if the cr exhibits symptoms of insomnia consult a physician information references helpguide org

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Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical

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Keywords: Sleep insomnia

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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