Many care recipient’s cr have trouble falling asleep the cr will sometimes need to seek medical help for the sleeping issues one option to consider…

Try: Many care recipient’s cr have trouble falling asleep the cr will sometimes need to seek medical help for the sleeping issues one option to consider with the cr’s doctor is sleeping medication in general sleeping pills and sleep medications are most effective when used rarely for a one time problem the idea of a pill that is a quick fix is very appealing however sleeping pills don’t cure the underlying causes of sleep problems the following are issues to consider with sleeping aids and medications side effects side effects can be severe and include prolonged drowsiness the next day confusion and forgetfulness drug tolerance the cr may build up tolerance to the initial level of medication drug dependence it can be a major problem if the cr becomes dependent on the drugs withdrawal symptoms if the cr stops the medication abruptly she risks severe withdrawl symptoms drug interactions sleeping pills can interact with other medications this can worsen side effects and be dangerous especially with prescription painkillers and other sedatives masking an underlying problem there may be an underlying medical or mental disorder or even a sleep disorder medication can make it difficult to treat the more significant issue information references helpguide org

Materials: n/a

Categories: Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Sleep deprivation problems falling asleep sleeping medication

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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