Many disorders can affect fine motor skills in the care recipients cr the following are common diseases that impact motor skills stroke is one disorder…

Try: Many disorders can affect fine motor skills in the care recipients cr the following are common diseases that impact motor skills stroke is one disorder that can affect fine motor skills among the elderly strokes can be caused by blood clots blocking an artery or by the rupturing of a brain blood vessel lack of blood flow to the cr’s brain can cause brain cell death and brain damage in the affected area the nsa brain cell death affects abilities controlled by the involved brain regions which may include speech memory or gross and fine motor movements the degree of stroke damage largely depends on where the stroke occurred and the amount of brain tissue damaged parkinson parkinson’s disease is another disorder that can affect fine motor skills in the elderly parkinson parkinson’s disease is caused by the loss of dopamine-producing brain cells they are shaking or tremors of the cr’s hands or other body parts while at rest other common parkinson parkinson’s disease-related symptoms include depression anxiety hallucinations constipation and pain osteoarthritis is a disorder that can affect fine motor skills in older crs osteoarthritis is particularly common among the elderly osteoarthritis causes the surface layer of joint cartilage to wear down over time which allows bone lying immediately beneath the cartilage to rub against other bone bone-on-bone contact can be extremely painful and it can cause joint swelling and loss of joint motion osteoarthritis in the joints of the hands and fingers can impair fine motor movements due to pain or alterations in the joint joint’s shape information references livestrong com

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Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Medical Physical

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References: n/a

Keywords: Motor skills disease

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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