The Care recipient (cr) wants information about getting involved in religious activities

Try: # talk with the cr about his or her religious or spiritual beliefs # discuss opportunities for spiritual participation # explore with the cr opportunities for retreats seminars for seniors # assist the cr with placing phone calls to churches temples mosques etc to find service times # ask churches about transportation for seniors and the cost # ask if the cr help with flower gardens floral arranging etc with the organization s # ask the cr if he or she would be interested in meditation cd’s prayer books rosaries etc # assist the cr with finding in-home pastoral care # use the internet to find spiritual resources in cr’s area

Materials: # internet

Categories: Spiritual

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) wants information about getting involved in religious activities

Try: Talk with the cr about his or her religious or spiritual beliefs discuss opportunities for spiritual participation explore with the cr opportunities for retreats seminars for seniors assist the cr with placing phone calls to churches temples mosques etc to find service times ask churches about transportation for seniors and the cost ask if the cr help with flower gardens floral arranging etc with the organization s ask the cr if he or she would be interested in meditation cd’s prayer books rosaries etc assist the cr with finding in-home pastoral care use the internet to find spiritual resources in cr’s area

Materials: Computer with an internet connection

Categories: Spiritual

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Sexually active senior citizens are contracting and spreading sexually-transmitted diseases and infections std sti

Try: #bring yourself up to date on safe sex practices and the risks of std stis #raise the topic of safer sex in a clear and respectful manner with the Care recipient (cr) #assure the cr that the conversation will be kept confidential and then keep it confidential #do not make light of this subject keep in mind that seniors have sexual histories habits partners desires and hopes that younger people including caregivers and doctors often deny #discuss with the cr the specifics of what safe sex means understanding risk factors using a condom for any act oral anal or vaginal penetration etc #figure out how to get the cr safe sex counseling testing for stds and safer sex products this may mean assisting the cr to arrange transportation setting up appointments researching the price and availability of various kinds of condoms and having conversations in which the cr can increase his or her comfort talking about safer sex condoms etc #encourage the cr to make a commitment to safer sex

Materials: Safer sex information access to condoms

Categories: Sexuality Intimacy, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) is very concerned about making end of life preparations

Try: #sit with the cr in a quiet area away from noise and activity #encourage the cr to express his or her thoughts #write down the cr cr’s wishes as he or she expresses them read them back to the cr to make sure you are recording them faithfully #you may want to make sure the following subjects are covered ##location of any special belongings or important documents for example key to lock box or safe copies of living will or power of attorney address book etc ##specific things the cr wants others to know or do ##how the cr wants to control physical pain ##how the cr wants to be nourished and fed ##any special foods or drinks that are favored including recipes ##location of avorite pillow blanket and clothing ##favorite or meaningful music to be played to soothe the cr or comfort mourners at a later period ##personal items the cr wants to have at hand ##personal care p

Materials: Notebook pen phone book quiet area with a table and chairs

Categories: Spiritual

Information: n/a

References: For items such as soap shampoo perfume or toothpaste ##how cr would like personal care activities to be performed if he or she can’t carry them out for example i want to be shaved daily or i want my pink lipstick on daily ##specific rituals the cr wishes to have carried out including religious customs while the cr is sick or at the time of death ##specific requests related to the the cr’s funeral including any special poems passages or sayings to be read and preferences in flowers service music pall bearers visitation pictures etc ##location of life insurance policy or funeral plans if any veteran status may be important to know in planning a funeral as well the cr cr’s preference regarding cremation or burial is also important ##information to be included in the cr’s obituary #include and document in writing whatever the cr wants #whenever the end of life preparations subject come up let the cr know that his or her desires and wishes have been written down and will be carried out information references

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) becomes agitated when putting clothes on

Try: Make dressing a regular routine done at the same time each day limit clothing choices too many options may be confusing put full clothing outfits for each day into hanging storage bags label the bag for each day of the week the cr can take out one bag each day and all the clothing items needed for dressing will be in the bag lay out the clothes in the order the cr prefers to put them on sometimes the cr can’t remember what the order is put clothes on in the same order each day according to the cr’s p

Materials: All clothing items needed to dress hanging storage bags for clothes

Categories: Dressing Clothing, Emotional Psychological

Information: n/a

References: Ask simple direct questions such as do you want to wear the brown pants today allow plenty of time for the cr to make a choice explain to cr what is going to happen; we’re going to put on your pants now allow plenty of time for the cr to complete the task praise the cr for each task completed or at least tried stop or slow down if the cr becomes agitated and minimize choices information references

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) has trouble sleeping well through the night

Try: To go to bed around the same time every evening #turn off the television a half hour before preparing for bed #try some music reading crosswords or word games to relax #any evening prayers of the cr should be respected by his or her caregivers try

Materials: #when medically reasonable limit drinks for an hour or two before bedtime so the cr has fewer urgent trips to make to the bathroom during the night #if diuretics are being taken to limit water retention talk to the doctor about the possibility of adjusting the schedule of taking them so that excessive nighttime urination is controlled in some cases taking the pills in the morning rather than at other times may be enough #make sure lighting in the cr’s bedroom is varied comfortable enough to encourage sleep and bright enough to allow safe passage to the bathroom if the cr has to leave bed #set and keep a nighttime routine that includes having a snack turning off the television making a trip to the bathroom taking care of teeth or dentures and doing something relaxing

Categories: Continence Toileting, Emotional Psychological, Housekeeping Home Maintenance, Leisure, Medication Mgt, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) with low vision and limited mobility sometimes has trouble opening front door with house key key is hard to get into lock and hard to find when dropped

Try: #tie one end of a shoelace string or cord to the key ring tie the other end to a purse strap or a loop inside a wallet this will prevent the key from getting dropped and lost at the door #buy a light-up key cap at a hardware store and fix it on top of the key squeezing the key cap turns on the light making it easier for the cr or helper to the key in the lock

Materials: Key cap with light-up feature shoelace string or cord key and key ring

Categories: Housekeeping Home Maintenance, Safety, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, No Supervision, Vision, Good Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

caregiver (cg) seeks ways to keep wandering Care recipient (cr) from leaving the home and from entering parts of the house that pose a danger to the cr

Try: #put motion sensor alarms at the inside of doors leading to the outdoors basement or attic leave the alarms on anytime day or night the cr is not in cg cg’s line of vision #hide or disguise doors leading to steps attics basements or storage areas with large posters medical suppliers or senior care catalogs carry door-sized posters that look like bookcases home decorating outlets and some art stores carry posters that cover walls with scenes from movies or nature make sure any door being disguised latches or hooks firmly as if it is not recognized as a door someone leaning on it could be endangered #don’t try to disguise or hide doors that would be used in an emergency such as front or back exits from the home on the ground floor

Materials: Motion sensor alarms large poster or posters

Categories: Housekeeping Home Maintenance, Memory, Safety, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Unaware, Long-Term Memory, Good L T Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, Good S T Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Managing the behavior of Care recipient (cr) who behaves in an inappropriately sexual way in public should be done with respect for cr’s dignity

Try: #manage self-exposure without embarrassing yelling at or overreacting to the cr’s behavior if a specific incident occurs lead or direct the cr to a less public place for example a restroom coatroom or empty room if you need to ask a person in authority for help and explain that the cr’s behavior is part of a disability #prevent a cr from repeating self-exposure or masturbation in public by dressing the cr in jumpsuits made specifically for this problem the jumpsuits which look like two-piece jogging suits are really one-piece suits that open only in the back they can be ordered through geriatric or developmental disability clothing catalogs and are available online staff at local home health care agencies serving seniors or long-term heath care facilities serving people with dementia may have geriatric clothing catalogs on hand

Materials: Jumpsuits designed to reduce self-exposure

Categories: Sexuality Intimacy, Gender, Male, Female, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Unaware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

If Care recipient (cr) is unable to attend the public service for a spouse or partner due to health problems hold a private ceremony at the cr’s home

Try: #hold an informal memorial service at the home of a spouse who is unable to attend the services of a partner who has died #choose a person to guide the memorial and act as host for the memorial on the cr’s behalf with the cr’s permission #invite guests to bring photos articles poems stories or other mementos of their relationships with the person who has died display them in a central location #prepare music that reflects the taste of the couple #arrange seating in a circular pattern so people can see each other easily #invite those present to share their stories and mementos #make sure that the food arrangements are in no way an inconvenience to the cr who should not be expected to cook shop prepare or organize for anyone else this is a time when the cr’s needs come first

Materials: Mementos of the deceased spouse or partner family and friends food

Categories: Spiritual, Mobility, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, Good L T Memory, So-So L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, Good S T Memory, So-So S T Memory

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed