Is the facility medicare certified and or medicaid certified is this a skilled nursing facility and is a skilled bed available is the facility accepting…

Try: Is the facility medicare certified and or medicaid certified is this a skilled nursing facility and is a skilled bed available is the facility accepting new patients is there a waiting period for admission if the facility is sponsored by a nonprofit organization and managed under contract with a commercial firm what are the conditions of that contract is there a resident council or organization through which resident family have a means of voicing their views on the management of the community each state requires the residence to be licensed and or certified does the facility have a current license certification and is it displayed each state requires the administrator to be licensed certified does he have current license certification what reputation does the facility have in the community how long has it been in business is it in good financial health does the facility follow generally accepted accounting procedures has the facility corrected any quality of care deficiencies in their state inspection report information references "nursing home checklist " available at www carepathways com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Nursing home checklist housing moving

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

If the state requires the residence to be licensed and or certified does it have a current license certification and is it displayed if the…

Try: If the state requires the residence to be licensed and or certified does it have a current license certification and is it displayed if the state requires the administrator to be licensed certified does he have a current license certification is the facility a member of a trade or professional association what reputation does the facility have in the community how long has it been in business is it in good financial health does the facility follow generally accepted accounting procedures if the facility is sponsored by a nonprofit organization and managed under contract with a commercial firm what are the conditions of that contract is there a resident council or organization through which residents family have a means of voicing their views on the management of the community information references "assisted living facility alf checklist " available at www carepathways com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Assisted living facilities checklist housing moving

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

If the state requires the residence to be licensed does it have a current license displayed if the state requires the administrator to be licensed…

Try: If the state requires the residence to be licensed does it have a current license displayed if the state requires the administrator to be licensed certified does he have a current license certification is the facility a member of a trade or professional association what reputation does the facility have in the community how long has it been in business is it in good financial health does the facility follow generally accepted accounting procedures if the facility is sponsored by a nonprofit organization and managed under contract with a commercial firm what are the conditions of that contract is there a resident council or organization through which residents have a means of voicing their views on the management of the community information references "independent living community ilc checklist " available at www carepathways com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Independence, No Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Independent living checklist evaluate housing moving licensure certification

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

When looking at electrical outlets switches and safety devices for possible modifications it may be helpful to answer the following questions are light or power…

Try: When looking at electrical outlets switches and safety devices for possible modifications it may be helpful to answer the following questions are light or power switches easy to turn on and off are electrical outlets easy to reach are the electrical outlets properly grounded to prevent shocks are your extension cords in good condition can you hear the doorbell in every part of the house do you have smoke detectors throughout your home do you have an alarm system is the telephone readily available for emergencies would you benefit from having an assistive device to make it easier to hear and talk on the telephone information references "home modifications" 2010 available at www eldercare gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Electrical outlets switches safety devices independence safety living at home accessibility adaptability universal design disabilities fair housing

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

When looking at doors and windows for possible modifications consider the following questions are your doors and windows easy to open and close are your…

Try: When looking at doors and windows for possible modifications consider the following questions are your doors and windows easy to open and close are your door locks sturdy and easy to operate are your doors wide enough to accommodate a walker or wheelchair do your doors have peepholes or viewing information references "home modifications" 2010 available at www eldercare gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Doors windows independence safety living at home accessibility adaptability universal design disabilities fair housing windows

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

When looking at driveways and the garage for possible modifications ask the following questions does your garage door have an automatic opener is your parking…

Try: When looking at driveways and the garage for possible modifications ask the following questions does your garage door have an automatic opener is your parking space always available is your parking space close to the entrance of your home information references "home modifications" 2010 available at www eldercare gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Driveway garage independence safety living at home accessibility adaptability universal design disabilities fair housing

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

When considering these types of modifications ask the following questions are cabinet doorknobs easy to use are stove controls easy to use and clearly marked…

Try: When considering these types of modifications ask the following questions are cabinet doorknobs easy to use are stove controls easy to use and clearly marked are faucets easy to use are there grab bars where needed are all appliances and utensils conveniently and safely located can the oven and refrigerator be opened easily can you sit down while working can you get into and out of the bathtub or shower easily is the kitchen counter height and depth comfortable for you is the water temperature regulated to prevent scalding or burning would you benefit from having convenience items such as a handheld showerhead a garbage disposal or a trash compactor information references "home modifications" 2010 available at www eldercare gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Hearing, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Appliances kitchen bathroom independence safety living at home accessibility

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

Home modifications should improve the following features of a home accessibility improving accessibility means making doorways wider clearing spaces to make sure a wheelchair can…

Try: Home modifications should improve the following features of a home accessibility improving accessibility means making doorways wider clearing spaces to make sure a wheelchair can pass through lowering countertop heights for sinks and kitchen cabinets installing grab bars and placing light switches and electrical outlets at heights that can be reached easily this remodeling must comply with the fair housing amendments act of 1988 the americans with disabilities act accessibility guidelines and american national standards institute regulations for accessibility the work must also conform to state and local building codes adaptability adaptability features are changes that can be made quickly to accommodate the needs of seniors or disabled individuals without having to completely redesign the home or use different materials for essential fixtures examples include installing grab bars in bathroom walls and movable cabinets under the sink so that someone in a wheelchair can use the space universal design universal design features are usually built into a home when the first blueprints or architectural plans are drawn these features include appliances fixtures and floor plans that are easy for all people to use flexible enough so that they can be adapted for special needs sturdy and reliable and functional with a minimum of effort and understanding of the mechanisms involved information references "home modifications" 2010 available at www eldercare gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Hearing, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Independence safety living at home accessibility adaptability universal design disabilities housing

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

Before you make home modifications you should evaluate your current and future needs by going through your home room by room and answering a series…

Try: Before you make home modifications you should evaluate your current and future needs by going through your home room by room and answering a series of questions to highlight where changes might be made several checklists are available to help you conduct this review the national resource center on supportive housing and home modifications is a good place to start go to the center’s website at www homemods org and click on the link to the safety checklist and assessment instrument rebuilding together inc has an excellent home modification checklist at once you have explored all the areas of your home that could benefit from remodeling you might make a list of potential problems and possible solutions information references "home modifications" 2010 available at www eldercare gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Hearing, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Home housing

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

Nursing home residents have many rights and it is important to know them and to be able to enforce them nursing home residents rights are…

Try: Nursing home residents have many rights and it is important to know them and to be able to enforce them nursing home residents rights are protected by federal law nursing homes are required to ensure that all its resident are given whatever services they need to function at the highest level possible here are some of the specific protections that residents have #nursing home residents have the right to privacy in all aspects of their care this means phone calls and mail should be private and residents should be able to close doors and windows in addition residents may bring belongings from home and nursing home staff is required to help the residents in protecting those belongings #residents have the right to go to bed and to get up when they want to eat a variety of snacks outside meal times decide what to wear choose activities and decide how to spend their time the nursing home must offer a choice at main meals because individual tastes and needs vary #residents have the right to leave the nursing home and belong to any church or social group they wish to #residents must be allowed to participate in planning their care residents may also manage their own financial affairs #residents may not be moved to a different room a different nursing home a hospital back home or anywhere else without advance notice and an opportunity for appeal information references "nursing home residents have rights " 2010 available at

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Legal, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Nursing homes patient rights

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed