Elderly care recipients cr may be agitated or angry for a multitude of reasons decreasing abilities discomfort and fear caused by illness and disease processes…

Try: Elderly care recipients cr may be agitated or angry for a multitude of reasons decreasing abilities discomfort and fear caused by illness and disease processes gradual decline in mental cognition and feelings of helplessness are often causes for anger the most common signs of building emotions in a cr that may lead to anger include but are not limited to impatience sarcasm unwillingness to participate in daily events or schedules withdrawal and increased complaints each caregiver most likely knows and recognizes differences in behavior attitude and patience levels in their cr watch for signs that the cr may be growing increasingly frustrated with his or her situation has your normally pleasant mother suddenly taken to grumbling and snapping at others does your dad start shouting at the least disagreement or issue that might touch on personal topics information references www boomers-with-elderly-parents com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Anger frustration

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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